
Pine forest.
You are wandering around amongst some soft pine trees. All about you are more,
some densely packed and others allowing passage through. To the northeast
through the trees can be made out a wooden building something like a
bandstand. To the southeast there looks to be some sort of religious shrine. A
neatly-constructed magpie's nest can be seen in the branches above you.
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general sorcerer is here carrying a dagger0.
OK, Dianne the superheroine waves.
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general sorcerer waves.
You feel as if a tremendous evil has been rid from The Land! No pawns of
darkness sully it with their presence. The relief of generations of souls
floods through your being!
You have changed experience level from superheroine to championne.
(Persona saved on +3,000 = 13,705).
A female voice in the distance roars.
A female voice in the distance cheers.
Heiach the chimerical wizard roars.
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer has just left.
You cheer.
A male voice in the distance cheers.
A male voice in the distance cheers.
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "congrats all!".
A female voice in the distance shouts "t for whoever wants at hut".
shout "now, the big question - do I touch the touchstone?"
You shout "now, the big question - do I touch the touchstone?".
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer tells you "there is
treasure in the hut dianne".
Pine forest.
You are wandering around amongst some soft pine trees. All about you are more,
some densely packed and others allowing passage through. Through the trees to
the southeast you can see what appears to be a bandstand.
Squirrel part of forest.
Pine forest.
A large stick lies on the ground.
You are waylaid in a fuming swamp.
*Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer tells you "for your spider
Pine forest.
On the ground there is a large stick.
You are standing in a bandstand in the midst of the pine forest. All around
you are trees, denser in the easterly directions than in the westerly ones.
The bandstand hasn't been used for some time, obviously with its being in the
middle of a forest, and in places its paint is peeling, but it is nevertheless
a surprisingly fine example. A rusty key can be seen here. A rusty key can be
seen here. A rusty key can be seen here. Forsaken here is an unusual fairy
story book, open at its contents page. A colourful, toy drum has been left
The forest becomes too dense to go any further. You give up and turn back.
Pine forest.
Entrance to badger's sett.
The forest becomes too dense to go any further. You give up and turn back.
You suddenly realise Heiach the chimerical wizard has been here the whole
The forest becomes too dense to go any further. You give up and turn back.
OK, Dianne the championne waves.
Heiach the chimerical wizard has given you the foot.
Heiach the chimerical wizard smiles.
The forest becomes too dense to go any further. You give up and turn back.
The forest becomes too dense to go any further. You give up and turn back.
Magical glade.
Dense forest.
A rusty key can be seen here.
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "good luck!".
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "all help dianne".
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer shouts "there is treasure
in the hut, i offered some for the spider flee".
Dara the necromancess is now helping you.
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer is now helping you.
*Dara the necromancess has just arrived.
Dara the necromancess has just left.
Dara the necromancess has just arrived.
Dara the necromancess has just left.
*shout "Time to see if I can go an entire bash without dying :)"
You shout "Time to see if I can go an entire bash without dying :)".
East pasture.
Growing near your feet is a pretty celandine.
Dara the necromancess is here carrying a shortsword, a rice flail, an opened,
empty phial2 and a key10.
Forest near mountains.
You are in dense forest at the base of some snow-capped mountains, wreathed in
clouds. The foothills are so beautiful that you yearn to be able to climb them
and lie eternally in dew-drenched grass, with an air of inner peace and total
tranquillity. You realise, however, that this is silly!
Narrow road between lands.
You are stood on a narrow road between The Land and whence you came. To the
north and south are the small foothills of a pair of majestic mountains, with
a large wall running round. To the west the road continues, where in the
distance you can see a thatched cottage opposite an ancient cemetery. The way
out is to the east, where a shroud of mist covers the secret pass by which you
entered The Land.
You are in the foothills, such as they are, to a tall mountain. To the south
is an east-west road, and to the north more small hillocks. Westwards lies a
forest, but passage east is impossible because of a huge stone wall which
blocks the way, built to keep the denizens of The Land away from the
surrounding area...
You are in some higher foothills of the mountains to the north. More foothills
are downwards to the south, and to the west is forest. In the distance
southwest can be seen a small, thatched cottage, and some wide, open,
Forested part of north mountain.
You are standing in amongst some trees which cloak the lower slopes of a
majestic mountain, rising to the north above the timber-line. In all
directions, the mountain continues, although south and west are only gentle
foothills. A small, rusty key lies here. There is a large stick on the ground.
North mountain.
You are ascending the lower slopes of a majestic mountain, which forces its
way through the clouds further to the north, above a rugged cliff beyond where
the slopes end. The cliff curves round, and blocks your immediate passage to
the west, although in other directions the comparatively gentle slopes lead
down to the foothills.
North mountain.
You are in the corner of a horseshoe-shaped cliff, which curves round from the
north to the west, blocking your way. All around you in other directions lie
the slopes leading up to the cliff, which towers high above you, ending just
below the clouds. A modest-sized cave is situated in the cliff directly to the
north. There is a long-disused warning beacon here.
Cave of stars.
From the narrow, unpretentious entrance to this small cave, you are witness to
an awesome, brilliant spectacle of natural wonder. The dark, grey walls are
studded with innumerable deposits of a strange, red, translucent mineral,
which trace eerily across the entire cave, scintillating like a thousand stars
to the dancing light of a perfectly-formed touchstone, situated in the centre
of the room, and dominating the scene with its profound and terrible beauty.
Plainly, this stone is an object of immense and ancient power, power which
might bestow great magic on some, yet which for many more leads only to the
reward of dark and helpless oblivion.
Dara the necromancess wishes good luck to you.
(Persona saved on +10 = 13,715).
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer tells you "Dianne, if the
touchstone fails, feel free to grab the treasure afterwards :)".
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer wishes good luck to you.
(Persona saved on +10 = 13,725).
shout "I know :)"
You shout "I know :)".
Dianne the championne
eff str 97 eff dex 98 sta 100/100 pts 13,725 gam 41
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general necromancer is no longer helping you.
Zedar the necromancer is now helping you.
touch touchstone
The foot disappears.
A feeling of unbelievable power surges through your body. You gulp it back,
yet it still floods your every fibre. You begin to feel hot, and dizzy, and
still the magic engulfs you, ever-increasing in its intensity. Suddenly,
something inside you snaps, the light in the cave becomes a painful, chaotic
mix of harsh, vivid colour, and you collapse and die.
Longsword dropped.
Not updating persona.

Option (H for help):
