Hello! This page is under construction whilst I work out what I'm doing with this section, which I am hoping to fill with useful/useless tidbits of info about Multi-User Dungeon 2 (also known as MUD2)

I mostly play on the http://www.mudii.co.uk instance of MUD2 yes, it's HTTP://, not HTTPS://.

I personally use the mudlet client myself.
I also bodged together a MUD2-specific plugin for Mudlet, called MUDKIP, which does improve QOL a bit.

If you can't be arsed to download any programs and just want to take a quick galavant around The Land yourself, there's a crappy web-based client at https://mudii.glitch.me give it a moment to wake up, it works

Wow so what info is on this neocities page?